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Macintosh Picture Format  |  1989-04-08  |  394KB  |  639x825  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: cd drive | monitor | paper | sky | train
OCR: Apple Plus Ordering Information Apple Ic Plus with wour onder vou'lroceive Apole 1 System Disk Order No. A2S4500 Apple IIc Plus personal User's Guide computer wit built-in 8OOK A Touch of Applesoft BASIC disk drive manual Apple System Disk Power cord Tutorial Limitec warranty statement Owner': guide Mouse/Joystick RGB Monitor Extr Dis Printer On/Off fSwitch Drive Moden Comoosite Power Input Monitox Apple Computer Joc 20525 Mariani Avenue 3 1988 Apoleand the Apple kogo are regisered trademarks o Appk e Qomputer Cupertino CA 95014 cations ane Compuse sby to cang withoxt notice PYinted in U.S.x 40896-1010 TIX: 171-576 Orderine your receive Aptle Diske Gutde 800K Applesoyt Svstem Limited Extra Switch Anple withxt